I read this quote this week. Yesterday actually and I don't know why, but it just struck my heart and I wanted to share it. We should all try our best to appreciate the situations that the Lord puts us in. We should try and learn Patience in Affliction and do our best to bear our burdens with love, serenity, and desires to accept the will of God and know that he knows what is best for us. Our live is made up of moments and memories. We should try our best to make the most of them because before we know it, it will all just be a memory. How do we want to remember those moments? I want to remember this moment of my life as a step toward the presence of God. I know that he loves me. I have felt it and I do feel it. He knows me. He sent his son for me and for all of us. I know that to be true and my desires to share that truth and high.
I am not sure what to write right now to be honest. I wish I could explain my feeling, thoughts and love for each of you, but I can not do that through a computer screen. It has all just been amazing to be sincerely honest. Today is the 23rd of February 2015. Another great day, another great week, and many more weeks to continue is ahead of me. I guess I will start with what happened this week.
Tuesday: My first district meeting here in my new area. My district consists of 4 companionship. We talked about the vision to baptize, a talk that was given by a Mission President in 2008. Our mission has the goal to baptize 200 people this month. My district has a goal of 10. We talked about the importance of repentance and the remission of sins that comes through baptism. It was a great meeting and with the Lords help he can bless us according to our desires.
Wednesday: We had ward night. On of our investigators came named Rodrigo. He is getting baptized this Saturday. I love the Paraguayan people. They are so loving and kind. Rodrigo is a stud future missionary and he wants to baptize his family too haha. We can help with that.
Thursday: I made a cake today. I was a banana cake and we gave it to the Candia Family. The mom is less active and her kids have yet to be baptized. One is named Angel and he is a stud! He loves the church and is 15. He wants a to be a professional boxer. The next one is Nadia she is 13 and then Jose is 8. We hope to reactivate the mom by doing service and sharing with her about the Book of Mormon and the importance of keeping Gods commandments.
Friday: We had a service project and we made a floor with the Candia Family again. There was a flood here in my area a couple months ago and their house got destroyed s we are helping them build a new one. Starting with the floor. Service always brings joy to the heart. That same night I had a really spiritual experience. I was reading in Alma 24, when is talks about the Lamanites and how the slaughtered the newly converted Anti-Nefi-Lehitas. The obedience to Gods commandments and the trust they had in his will blew my mind. They had covenanted with God that they would not take up arms against their brothers. They would die before they broke that covenant with God. Over 1000 of them were killed and because of that over 2000 Lamanites were converted and became Anti-Nefi-Lehitas. It is amazing how Gods plan is perfect and how he has a path for everyone.
Saturday:Baptism!!!!! Rodrigo got baptized
It was a miracle!
Sunday: I gave a talk on Sunday in church and I talked about the importance of having the vision to baptize. How we should help everyone come unto Christ inviting them to repent and be baptized. It is impossible to be saved without talking that step in our lives. If we have friends, family members, neighbors, or know anyone that isn't a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We have to help them repent, be baptized for someone that possesses the proper authority of God and help them receive the spirit by the laying on of hands. I have realized that now more than ever.
I love my God. I have been extraordinarily blessed by his son, Jesus Christ, who came to this earth and suffered for me. I have come to appreciate that suffering and have learned the importance of daily repentance to be perfected in him. I invite all to come unto Christ and be perfected in him. Jesus Christ invites all to come unto him in every book of scripture that exists. He only wants us to be happy and has shown us how. I am happy. I have never been more happy. and I know that my joy and happiness and light will grow as I continue to share the gospel, obey gods commandments, and try my best to be like him. I love you all and I wish you a great week.
Elder Jessop
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