My Mission Call

               My mission call came to my dorm room at BYU-Idaho on January 24th, 2013. My roommates were all yelling at me and calling me saying my mission call came, but I was taking a test. I ran back to my dorm room and there it was sitting on the couch with my roommates staring at it. My best friend Mckenna came over after I called her and she took the photo above. My heart was rushing and I could not wait to know where I was going.
                I couldn't open my call because my family wasn't home and they were all coming to my parents house for my sisters birthday so I had to wait for them to all come over. Of course in California the time is an hour back, so I had to wait even longer to open it; however the time finally came for me to open the letter.
                I decided that I would open my call letter in front of Mckenna and my family first and then reread my call to the friends I have met in Idaho, so that is what I did. It took me forever to open the letter because my hands were shaking, but it finally open and I pulled out the call while skyping my family back home. As I was reading the call the funniest thing happened and as you can guess, the connection back home was lost right when I read where I was going. It was really funny.
              Eventually the connection came back and they came to know that I was serving in the Paraguay Asuncion mission!! 

Mckenna and I with my call

My buddy James and I got our calls the same day

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