Hey everyone!! This week was very awesome and very rewarding. My whole mission had been a blessing and the most meaningfull experience up to this time in my life. I have tried really hard to do my best and humble myself so that the Lord can use me in his work according to his will. I am not perfect, but the Atonement of Christ and his saving grace has helped me a lot in my earthly life to complete with my process of perfection. JEsus is the Christ. HE lives. That is one of the greatest truths that I know. Now on with the week :D:
Tuesday: I had a division with an Elder named Elder Riboldi, he is super awesome and I learned the importance and the esiness of just getting to know people. He said that in one of his old areas, they put goals to talk with 25 people or more in the street everyday. They said that in one month, they had talked to almost over 700 people. TO me, that is incredible. A lot of time we are afraid to talk to people because we dont know them or we are afraid what they will think of us, but when we see them as our brothers and sisters, which they are, it is a lot easier to talk to them and testify of the truths of the gospel so that they can recieve the gifts and blessing of God that are waiting for them. The division was very uplifting.
Wednesday: I dont remember what happened because I didnt write it down.... Sorry haha.
Thursday: We had a Capacitación de Zona. That is when the zone gets together and the Zone Leaders give a presentation according to what we learned from the mission president in the Mission Leader Meeting. We watched the general conferance talk by Elder Robbins, when he taught us about which way we face. We cant lower the standards of the Lord to be content with our own disobidience or unwillingness to follow the Lord. We must raise our standards so that they are also the Lords standards. It was an excellent Zone meeting. I learned the importance of repitition and how that helps us be perfect. We go to church every week so that I can be perfect one day, I read the scriptures everyday so that I can be perfected and cleaned, I pray daily and often to strengthen my relationship with the Lrod so that he can change me according to his will, regular temple attendance helps me raise my spirituality and helps me become more in tune with God and his desires. I am trying hard to do that. It is posible to be perfect, it just takes a lot of work, a lot of repition and a lot of perseverance. Through the Atonement I can do it and so can you!!
Friday: I had another division with Elder Cisneros. We learned about the importance of sharing the gospel with EVERYONE that we can. The importance of inviting everyone to repent and be baptized. It is the primordial interest of the church, the salvation of souls!! 3 people accepted a baptism date and we are super excited to keep sharing the gospel with all who will hear.
Saturday: We hit a lot of doors. A lot of people didnt recieve us and the appointments that we had all fell because people were not home. IT was an awesome day though. I read in my studies that day of the importance of the Atonement of Christ and how that will strenghten my desires to share the gospel with others!! My desire to share the gospel is high and I am extremely grateful that I can share it in order to help others recieve it and so that I can become more converted and that my testimony can keep growing.
Sunday: 4 people came to church!!! One named Hma. Miñaro, the other Hugo, another Micaela, and the last Julieta. Thay are all aweomse and are progressing a lot. I learend this day the importance of having a strong testimony that is based in the Lord Jesus Christ. Something that I annoted from General Conference is that every leader of the church ends thier talk with a testimony of Jesus Christ. That he lives and that he loves us. I have that testimony, but I know that my testmony can strenghten until the day that I can see him face to face and have that testimony become perfect. I love my Savior and I hope to be like him one day.
I love the mission. Words do not described the feelings that I feel. The love that I feel for all of these people. I am trying to develop a perfect love, a charity for all the people that are here. I know that the church is true. I know that God lives and restored his church the the Earth when he called Joseph Smith to be a prophet. I know that the spirit guides us to choose the right once we decide to do our part. The Lord will never force us to do anything against our will. My will must be his will. My thoughts must be his thoughts, my love must be his love, my acts must be his. I must one day be like him and I am grateful for the Atonement that helps me in every step I take towards his presence. I invite everyone to apply the scripture in the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:41. It has blessed me tremendously.
I love you. Thankyou for the prayers and support.
Elder Jessop